This project by 2nd grade teacher Karen Mensing in Arizona is a strong example of all three levels of the Triple E Framework. Notice that the technology is NOT the focus of the learning, but it is essential in order for the students to fully experience the project. First, Karen engages her 2nd grade students by using technology that helps her students co-engage in the learning experiences (Google Hangouts) so that they can collaborate and construct knowledge with their pen pals. Next, the technology use enhances the learning because it allows the students to interact synchronously with their pen pal, as well as document their learning. Finally, the technology helps to extend their learning outside of the classroom by allowing them to learn from and about other students living in a different place. Connecting the classroom learning goals with real world experiences.
Often we like to share via our Twitter feed or blog some examples of authentic K-12 lesson plans or projects that exemplify the Triple E Framework. This is one such example. This classroom in Maine has a learning goal of students building literacy (grammar and reading), communication and digital citizenship skills (NETS-S2). In order to engage students in the learning goals, the teacher set up a private group Twitter feed with another 2nd grade class in a different school. Together through collaboration the teacher and students work together to send out Tweets asking questions of the other students as well as sharing what they are learning in their own classroom. The other students respond in kind. They focus on making certain their Tweets are grammatically correct as well as reflective of their classroom learning. Engagement throughsocial co-use is occurring because the students are working not only with their classmates but also with the students in the other classes. The value-added Enhancement is that the students are able to connect with another real live classroom and learn about them through the technology tool. They are also learning how to appropriately and safely communicate in an online social media tool. Finally, the Extension comes in with their actual connection to real world students through the technology tool.
AuthorLiz Kolb is a clinical associate professor of education technologies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She works with over 150 preservice teachers every year on integrating technology into K-12 teaching. Categories
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