Case Study
It is important to consider what the Triple E Framework looks like when evaluating a lesson plan. Below is one lesson to measure how well the technology creates engagement, enhancement and extension of the learning goals.
Case Study: Dog Sleds and Predictions in 5th Grade
The video case (Link to video here) is from the Teaching Channel.
Learning Goals
Technology Tool in Lesson
Watch the video for the lesson, the video is annotated with the Triple E measurements and markers.
Use the evaluation tool to measure how well you think this lesson met the Triple E Framework, after you are done, read the analysis below. This case has been measured by 22 independent educators, below will be the results of their professional measurement.
Learning Goals
- Students will be able to understand and calculate elapsed time and predictions
Technology Tool in Lesson
- Laptops
- Iditarod Website
- Wikispaces Wiki
Watch the video for the lesson, the video is annotated with the Triple E measurements and markers.
Use the evaluation tool to measure how well you think this lesson met the Triple E Framework, after you are done, read the analysis below. This case has been measured by 22 independent educators, below will be the results of their professional measurement.
Measuring how well the video case meets criteria for Triple E Framework
Is there significant Engagement=YES! While the instructor is not using the "shiniest" of technologies (not an iPad, or expensive software), the students are immediately motivated into the content because they are able to watch the real time GPS data on the Iditarod website as the mushers move to each check point. This is evident by students mentioning checking the website on their own at home. The students move from passive to active social learners by using the technology to help them make their predictions and post them on the Wiki. The students are also working in pairs, which allows for co-use of the devices. This also shows that a teacher does not have to use the most expensive or latest technology tool to create engagement. Is there significant Enhancement= YES!
The heart of the technology use in this lesson is enhancement. The use of the live website enhances the learning goals because it allows students to use and view in real time authentic data for making predictions. In addition, the maps (and marking tools on digital map) help to scaffold student's understanding of the visual measurements that would be very difficult to envision without the technology. Students are using their higher-order cognitive thinking skills but creating predictions based on the data analysis. Is there significant Extension=SOMEWHAT/YES! By using and learning how to interpret authentic data, the students are gaining new skills. In addition, they are learning about collaboration through working on the Wiki. Instructional Moves |
Instructional Moves/Strategies by Teacher
Instructional Moves/Strategies by Teacher
Instructional Moves/Strategies by Teacher
Total Points=17
See Evaluation Tool for more information on points
This case has been measured by 22 independent educators at the University of Michigan in July 2015 with an average measure of 15, the high being 17 and the lowest being 12. 12 to 17 is a range of a strong connection between the learning goals and the technology tools integrated into the lesson.
See Evaluation Tool for more information on points
This case has been measured by 22 independent educators at the University of Michigan in July 2015 with an average measure of 15, the high being 17 and the lowest being 12. 12 to 17 is a range of a strong connection between the learning goals and the technology tools integrated into the lesson.